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Yoga with Modi

Yoga with Modi

In contemporary times of stress and lifestyle diseases, keeping ourselves healthy, preventing diseases and ensuring a better quality of life is a crucial endeavour. Yoga is invaluable in this regard.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi says Yoga is a journey from illness to wellness, from ‘I’ to ‘We’. He has played a key role in popularizing Yoga and making it a mass movement, both in India and abroad. So, who better than him to teach Yoga?

Yoga With Modi is a series of videos featuring an animated version of PM Modi teaching most commonly used and important asanas, with instructions on how to perform these asanas. Available in 24 languages, these videos delve into asanas in complete, nuanced detail, boiling down to minutiae.

As a community-oriented organization that understands healthy individuals make healthy societies, BlueKraft, like PM Modi, understands the pivotal role Yoga can play towards global peace, harmony and wellness.

